Simplification exercises For Kids Drawing

It could be surprisingly difficult to find out. For such things, how much you can simplify without losing recognition. You'd need a couple of attempts, leaving more and more as you go.

What is the best way you can represent a pencil sharpener? What about thoughts, like pleasure or frustration? Let's try a few of them to get a handle on the idea, shall we?

1St exercise: EasyLandscapes Drawings for Kids

We're going to get our game up a bit and tackle the Easy landscape Drawings. Choose a topic for today that includes some distinct types of greenery, such as the above house drawing.

Try drawing it now in 15 minutes. Within that time period, bring as much detail in as you can.

Take a good look at your job until done. Without taking away too much knowledge from the audience, aim to find places that you think you should simplify.

It is important for this to know what part of the topic you want to be your focal point, as that is the place, you'll want to spend most of your time going forward.

You can leave out when you've picked out some stuff, repeat the exercise, just restrict yourself to half the time.

What did you leave out? Compare the two outcomes. You'll probably find it's going to be individual branches, leaves or surface texture, such as bark, if your landscape includes trees.

For more potential simplifications, review your second version and then draw it one more time, taking no more than 60 seconds.

You can repeat the last step as much as you want,

until you're satisfied with your performance,

if you are a little too nervous and don't like your final result,

or you think it's no longer recognizable.

2nd exercise: you

Okay then, well done so far! Let's have some real fun now and use ourselves as the theme. You're going to need some kind of mirror, obviously.

Have a good look at your face and try to identify some special characteristics you have. Your signature hairstyle, freckles, or the shape of your nose might be that.

You can include your clothing, or any jewelry you sometimes wear, if you can't think of something. Whatever makes you.

Sketch yourself now. Take as much time as you can, just use thin lines, as in a moment we'll be erasing parts of it.

Use your eraser when you're finished,

and delete as much detail as you can,

little by little,

while keeping yourself identifiable to your friends and family.

This exercise is extremely useful in making the target group considered while simplifying. As with the Onagri example above,

to recognize a subject, different viewers would need varying levels of information.

In this situation, as someone who has never seen you before,

your friends and family will obviously need far less detail to fill in the blanks.

I hope I have been able to give you a helpful introduction to the idea of simplification. And help you use it for your own art,

and that's it from me today. Do stop by to scan for more workouts and other updates daily,

Over the next few weeks, I've got a lot more scheduled.

Source: The Soft Roots



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